Getting started


Welcome to the Componentry docs 👋

This overview provides an introduction to Componentry by reviewing the problems it's focused on solving. If you're ready to dive in and start hacking you can skip ahead to Installation.

THE problem: Building design systems is hard

Your design system defines the visual language of your application, translating visual patterns into user intent. Consistency and control of the components your system provides is crucial to building a delightful user experience.

Your application (and therefore it's design system) also never stop changing. New features necessitate new patterns and every now and then a company re-brand comes along... 😜

Typically you want to have a flexible system to allow evolving your application,but you also want a sensible set of constraints in place to make consistency easy, and you need the entire solution to be performant.

Componentry aims to provide 100% customization of your design system styles, using a shared theme, with flexible overrides using utility classes - while staying maximally performant.


Componentry styles are 100% customizeable thanks to PostCSS. Styles are generated by merging the library defaults with your overrides, providing a crisp base of styles to develop on top of.

Using PostCSS for style processing is a key strategy for performance. Library styles have no runtime overhead, and there's no bundle weight. This keeps Componentry "close to the metal" and keeps your application fast.


Componentry styles are create using your theme values, and that theme can be customized to match your application's conventions. Adding semantic namespaces and theme values enables your codebase to provide helpful hints for how and where to use theme values.

Providing flexibility in theme definitions, while also supporting theme constraints allows Componentry to help reduce friction across teams trying to maintain stylistic consistency.


Performance is a key priority in Componentry, including bundle size and runtime overhead. Staying as close to "native" HTML and CSS is a key part of this strategy. Componentry works with the browser, maximizing performance and keeping bundle size very small.

Using CSS classes also means that many Componentry components are just wrappers that manage providing the correct set of classes for each component instance. This strategy opens the door for some very exciting optimizations pre-compiling components during build time. The result is the fastest possible component - no component at all.